How to create a Connector token for your project

If you've set up a DRIVR domain and want to get started right away, this guide is for you. Here we don't go into all types of authentication, but only the simplest: Resource Owner Password Credentials. With this we will create a Connector Token in this guide, which you can then use directly to start using the GraphQL API or the REST APIs.

For a full list and more detailed description of all authentication methods, please check out the Authentication Getting Started Guide. There you will find all the information you need for more advanced use cases.

In order to follow this guide successfully, you need a DRIVR domain. If you don't have one yet, you can create one for free here.

By default, DRIVR domains are created with password authentication. This means that you can log in to DRIVR with your username and password. If the password authentication 'DefaultAuthenticationMethod' is turned off, this guide will not work. This may be the case if you use other authentication methods like Google or Azure.

An ApplicationConsumer represents an application that wants to access the DRIVR APIs. We can create the ApplicationConsumer either via DRIVR UI or via GraphiQL:

After logging into DRIVR UI click on Settings in the upper left corner and then on Application Consumers. Now click on Add ApplicationConsumer.


Set a name and the slug. For Grant Type select the type Password. As Scope we enter email. Enter a secure key for Secret (similar to a password, this will be needed later) and create the ApplicationConsumer with a click on Create. The ApplicationConsumer is now displayed in the table together with the identifier. This will also be needed later.

Open GraphiQL and run the following mutation, adjusting the values accordingly:

mutation createApplicationConsumer {
    name: "my-new-app",
    slug: "my-app",
    secret: "**************",
    grantTypes: [
    scopes: [
  ) {
  "data": {
    "authenticationMethods": {
      "items": [
          "uuid": "493f1186-59b0-46de-b692-812dd08fe931",
          "authenticationType": "DEFAULT",
          "status": "ACTIVATED"
      "limit": 1000,
      "totalItems": 1

Make a note of the identifier and the set secret. These will be needed in the second step.

With this information we could already generate a User Token, which can be used to perform actions on behalf of you as a user. However, we want to create a Connector Token here, so we need a MachineUser. This represents a machine that can perform actions on behalf of a user. We can create the MachineUser via GraphiQL:

mutation createMachineUser {
  createMachineUser (
    username: "my-machine-user",
    password: "********"
  ) {
    roleAssignments {
      items {
        role {
  "data": {
    "createMachineUser": {
      "uuid": "dd33b1f8-2ba7-471b-aa70-e55302e46928",
      "username": "my-machine-user",
      "roleAssignments": {
        "items": []

As we see in the response, a MachineUser has no permissions at first. The MachineUser needs now the role CONNECTOR. We can assign this using another GraphQL mutation. First we get the UUID of the domain and the UUID of the connector role:

query getDomainAndConnectorRoleUuid {
  currentDomain {
  roles(name: "Connector") {
    items {
  "data": {
    "currentDomain": {
      "uuid": "69973a77-6264-4dcc-83ab-2bae466c3a6f"
    "roles": {
      "items": [
          "uuid": "4044677c-a017-4f11-b322-02b1d8830942"

With this, we can now assign the role:

mutation createMachineUser {
    assigneeUuid: "${UUID of MachineUser we created above}",
    roleUuid: "${UUID of the Connector Role}",
    entityUuid: "${UUID of the Domain we got above}"
  ) {
  "data": {
    "createRoleAssignment": {
      "uuid": "9f91efb1-3648-4ec6-aae9-188346730ad5"

With this we have now created a MachineUser with the role CONNECTOR. Now we only have to request a token for this user:

To get the token to a user (MachineUser or real User does not matter) the following HTTP request can be used. The values for client_id, client_secret, username and password must be adjusted accordingly:

client_id Identifier of the ApplicationConsumer we created above.
client_secret Secret of the ApplicationConsumer we created above. If you have forgotten it, you need to set a new secret.
username Username of the MachineUser
password Password of the MachineUser
curl -sX "POST" "https://{slug}" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8" \
    --data-urlencode "client_id=my-new-app.{slug}" \
    --data-urlencode "client_secret=************" \
    --data-urlencode "username=machine-user-username" \
    --data-urlencode "password=************"
  "access_token": "7TIahRdjqCxlHjnl5GYTSPdjSvxQpnV24za2lLolNl",
  "expires_in": 864000,
  "token_type": "Bearer"

With the value contained in access_token we can now use the DRIVR APIs. Please note that this token is only valid for a short time and afterwards a new token has to be requested. For productive applications we therefore recommend to store username / password of the MachineUser or to use alternative authentication methods like OAuth. You can also use the REFRESH_TOKEN to extend the token expiration. Checkout the Authentication Getting Started Guide for more information about this.